Posts In: Yoganidra

Winter Yoga Nidra❄

January 30, 2022

To close the practice we finish with Yoga Nidra; meaning yogic sleep. This is a practice done lying down and promotes full body relaxation. Lie down comfortably, warm and still, dim or switch of the lights and just listen to my voice. I will be reading out a script that takes you trough the different stages of relaxation. It is said 30 min of yoga Nidra is equivalent to 3-4 hours of sleep, after this practice you should feel relaxed and restored. This can therefore also be done when you need a break during the day. Please log in to view the Yoga Nidra.


June 21, 2021
The season of fire is here, our fullest capacity time to be active and enjoy life to the fullest. Make sure to balance it out with some rest to avoid a burn out. Love, Hannah