Back in business!
September 1, 2023Sinds eind augustus heb ik in het Dorpspunt in Stompwijk een vaste plek. Via zijn mijn lessen hier in levende lijve te volgen op maandag avond van 20:00 tot 21:00uur.
Sinds eind augustus heb ik in het Dorpspunt in Stompwijk een vaste plek. Via zijn mijn lessen hier in levende lijve te volgen op maandag avond van 20:00 tot 21:00uur.
Enjoy this 1hour flow class, twist, open and close, balance and tangle but most of all listen to your body and rest when needed. Early Summer the season for connection from 21 may till 20th june it is a short season, the preparation to summer. The organs connected are the pericardium(heart protector) and triple heater. Time to start moving the body working on our internal heat, time to laugh and enjoy life. But don’t over do it, listen to your body, rest when you need it. Self care without isolation, make connections and open your heat appropriately . Drink plenty and eat fresh seasonal foods, like lettuce, radish and fresh herbs.
Spring is the time to rise from hibernation of winter and start stretching out, bring movement back. A time for detox, cleaning up your act when it comes to food, homely clutter, work on your mental physical wellbeing. Be flexible like a supple tree in spring. The related organs are the liver and gallbladder. This practice starts with the golden tread breath and has lots of lovely twists. Make sure to drink plenty of water afterwards(or during if needed). Enjoy, Hannah