Posts In: TCM

Makko ho stretches and pranayama (alternative nostril breathing) working with the body clock in a yin style class.

A great way to work with the breath, suitable for all but not advised for sinuses issues/blockages.

For the makko/makka ho stretches there are a few ways to support them so get blocks, blanket or pillows, anything you like really.

And enjoy! Love, Hannah

Dutch winter Flow

Nederlandse winter les. 40 minuten vloeiend en rustig bewegen. Neem de tijd luister naar wat jou lijf nodig heeft en rust als dat is wat je nodig hebt. Probeer de beweging vloeiend te houden als water wat het element voor de winter is. Je kunt de les beëindigen met de (Engelse) yoga nidra van de post hieronder of 5-7 minuten in savasana in stilte of met rustige muziek. Zorg dat je zoeizo aan het einde rustig ligt en warm genoeg dus misschien met een dekentje. Geniet ervan, liefs Hannah

Winter Yoga Nidra❄

January 30, 2022

To close the practice we finish with Yoga Nidra; meaning yogic sleep. This is a practice done lying down and promotes full body relaxation. Lie down comfortably, warm and still, dim or switch of the lights and just listen to my voice. I will be reading out a script that takes you trough the different stages of relaxation. It is said 30 min of yoga Nidra is equivalent to 3-4 hours of sleep, after this practice you should feel relaxed and restored. This can therefore also be done when you need a break during the day. Please log in to view the Yoga Nidra.

Transition to Autumn

October 10, 2021
Last late summer classes this week, we are slowly moving into autmn.

Summer Yin Class

July 25, 2021
Need some Yin in your life? Or wanting to know what to expect when joining a yin class with me? Here is a summer yin class for you to enjoy. Get as much support as you would like, I’d advice a bolster or rolled up blanket, maybe a small cushion and belt or strap. Working with the heart and small intestine meridian lines, we’re working the shoulders, arms, wrists and working with spine and hips. Any Questions feel free to send me a message. Love, Hannah